As you count your blessings on Thanksgiving, consider sharing your abundance with Siena Literacy Center this Giving Tuesday.
Since 1995, Siena has supported more than 2,200 students with their goals to improve their reading, math, or English. In our 2020-21 school year, we helped 137 adults access 7,336 hours of instruction.
Your donation provides licenses for these students to access learning software, textbooks and workbooks for students and tutors to use together, and resources to provide our tutors with high quality training. It provides pens and pencils, paper and notebooks, calculators and flash cards. It keeps the lights on and the doors open at a vital and completely free institution of learning in Northwest Detroit.
#GivingTuesdayDetroit runs November 30-December 31 and is sponsored by SHARE Detroit, connecting people with great Metro Detroit causes to support through donations, volunteer opportunities, and purchases.